The Walkative Project

A new website for the Walkative Project, an RCA-adjacent group which explores how walking can trigger processes of thinking, researching, collaborating and making through participant and guest-led walks, written and visual documentation.
The purpose of the site is to promote upcoming walks, events and other activities, document past activities, and record the group's ever-changing cast of contributors.
The main gesture of the design is an undulating line that responds to the featured image of each entry. This allows each archived walk to have something of a unique identity, and also gives a nod to the cover of the 2017 book Walking Cities: London designed by my friend Eilis Searson. The line is procedurally generated using Simplex Noise.
I used Wordpress's built-in tagging feature to allow the editors to make connections between different entries, and in that way make the archive richer and more useful over time.
The site is set in URW Franklin Gothic Regular and Condensed, and Times New Roman. View the live site at