This must be the place
Portfolio website for the artist Harry Boulter.

After working together on Hot New Graphic Designers in Your Area and Moving Fast, Harry approached me to rebuild his personal portfolio site.
The basic design idea is to show a visible grid that reflects the number of images contained in a given project. On the index page we stack all these grids, producing a diagrammatic view of Harry's body of work. In detail views, we use the same grid to show films, titles, meta information, and long-form descriptions of each project. The regularity of the grid and supporting type plays well with Harry's expressive imagery.
The site is built with Composer/Wordpress/Timber/ACF, the typeface is Canela by Miguel Reyes, Ilya Ruderman, and Panos Haratzopoulos (Commercial Type).
Design by Harry Boulter and me, development by me. View the site at