Add-to-calendar links
Add-to-calendar links are a simple, HTML-only way to enhance event websites.
When you're building a website for a timed event like a talk or a workshop, you want to make it really easy for people to add your event to their own calendar. I suspect once you get someone to do that, there's a pretty high chance they'll actually come to your event - which is why you're building the site in the first place.
One way to do this is an add-to-calendar button. When people click it, it opens the "Add an Event" screen of their calendar app with all the event information already filled in, so all they need to do is hit "save". It doesn't replace showing the event information visually on your website, but it's a nice enhancement.
Here's the interaction I'm talking about:

Different calendar apps have different ways of doing this (some use special links with URL parameters, others need an ICS
file) and support different sets of event data, so you'll have to compromise and probably show a few buttons at once. Still, the cost of doing this is low because it all happens in HTML – no Javascript or other dependencies required.
Google calendar
Google has no official documentation on this (although they used to), but add-to-calendar links work and support a surprising number of features.
The base URL is
followed by a bunch of query parameters containing your event data.
(required) – Titledetails
- Description. Basic HTML is supported.location
– Location.dates
(required) – Start and end dates/times in UTC format (YYYYMMDDThhmmssZ
), separated by/
. Omit the times for all-day events. All dates are in GMT by default. Omit the trailingZ
to use the user's local timezone, or use thectz
parameter to specify a custom timezone.ctz
– Custom timezone from the tz database, for example:America/New_York
– Specify a recurring event with an RFC-5545 RRULE string. Example:recur=RRULE:FREQ=DAILY;INTERVAL=3
. There's also an online generator to make those strings.crm
– Show as available/busy. Possible values areAVAILABLE
– Semicolon-separated list of email adresses to add as event guests. If you set this parameter, it'll also add the user clicking the button as an event organiser.
Office 365 + Outlook Live
No documentation from Microsoft either, but a company called the Interactive Design Foundation put together this document with a bunch of information.
Office 365 and Outlook live use the same query parameters, but different base URLs:
- Outlook Live:
- Office 365:
(required) – Titlebody
– Description of the eventlocation
– Locationstartdt
(required) – Start date/time in ISO 8601 format (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:SSZ
). Omit the time for all-day events. All dates are in UTC by default. Omit the trailingZ
to use the user's local timezone. To specify all-day events use the YYYY-MM-DD format.enddt
(required) – End date/time in ISO 8601 format (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:SSZ
). Omit the time for all-day events.allday
– Is this an all-day event? boolean (true/false)to
– Comma-separated list of emails of required
– Comma-separated list of emails of optional attendees
Microsoft Teams
This one actually has official documentation, but I can't for the life of me get it to work. I get the sense from the documentation that maybe it's only designed to work from within a text chat on Teams? But it might be a configuration issue on my end, too.
Most other calendar apps (like the Mac OS calendar and the Windows calendar app) support events in a file format called ICS
. They look like this:
DTSTAMP: 20220714T170000Z
DTSTART: 20220714T170000Z
DTEND: 20220714T190000Z
DESCRIPTION: Description
LOCATION: Location
The lines between BEGIN: VEVENT
contain your event data. ICS has a lot of features, but the most useful ones for our scenario are:
– DescriptionLOCATION
– LocationDTSTART
– (required) Start date in theYYYYMMDDThhmmssZ
format. All dates are in UTC by default, prepend a timezone name and omit the trailingZ
to specify a local timezone:TZID=America/New_York:20220119T143000
- (required) End date in theYYYYMMDDThhmmssZ
– (required) Calendar apps can use this parameter to resolve conflicting events. In our scenario, setting it to the same value as DTSTART seems to be enough.
You could make an ICS
file and point a link at it, but they're small enough you can write them into a data URL:
href="data:text/calendar;charset=utf-8,BEGIN:VCALENDAR%0D%0AVERSION:2.0%0D%0ABEGIN:VEVENT%0D%0ADTSTAMP:20220714T170000Z%0D%0ADTSTART:20220714T170000Z%0D%0ADTEND:20220714T190000Z%0D%0ADESCRIPTION:The event description%0D%0ASUMMARY:The event title%0D%0ALOCATION:Location%0D%0ASTATUS:CONFIRMED%0D%0ASEQUENCE:0%0D%0AEND:VEVENT%0D%0AEND:VCALENDAR"
>Download ICS</a
- This is probably one of the rare cases where forcing the link to open in a new tab by adding
is a good idea. - I got the idea for writing this down from a project called add-to-calendar-button by Jens Kuerschner
- A lot of the query parameters here come from some documentation put together by a company called the Interactive Design Foundation.
- In case I need it, the RFC5545 Spec