CHS Lecture 1: Introductions

Theatre Hiroshi Sugimoto: Cinema Dome (1993)

A single exposure of an entire film. Part of a series.

CHS Platform Lectures

Every week until December (8 in total)

CHS Practice Workshop

Every other week (4 in total) These are essentially writing workshops. for scheduling issues etc.

CHS Handbook Yay marking criteria. Also submission dates etc. Also a reading list for the workshops.

Also part of this kabal:

We submit a proposal in December, then start doing drafts in January.

Perception , Present, Perspectives

McLuhan: Understanding Media

TO behold, use or percieve any extension of ourselves in technologicl form in necessarily...

Blake: Jerusalem

if perspective organs vary...

McLuhan The age of co-presence of all individuals is the age of communication - the age of instant humans. Coumputer data-banks dissolve the human image

Gareth's written some papers.

Sarah Snaith

Design writer, editor and educator Assistant editor of Eye and Pulp

Loads of articles in Eye

Creative Review

You can now

Pulp (which is a Fedrigoni thing) Design 360

Dr Rosa Ainley

PhD in architecture.


Currently doing work on waiting / waiting rooms.

Dr Helga Schmid

Researcher, writer, editor etc.

PhD on Uchronia (alternative time systems, ie. utopias for time) Time at the intersection of design chronosociology and chronobiology

Teaches on IED.

Recent piece at Istanbul Design Biennial Currently designer in residence at the Design Museum

Dr Claudia Dutson

PhD in architecture at the RCA: Thermanl Performance Chapters in:

Current research: The architecture of Silicon Valley Drawing, VR, forensic methods, ie. weirdly enormous Facebook ofice This is going into a monograph Forensic architecture: Not aesthetics that represent, aesthetics that generate knowledge

Communication artifacts

Agnes Denes: Wheatfield, A Confrontation